Sunday, September 12, 2010

Recent NY Emigre Brings Family to Baltimore...

Confession: I lived in Baltimore since 1989. I moved to NY in 2002, met my husband online, had two kids, started getting $1425/mo. rent bills for a shabby 2 bedroom apartment in Queens (sans central air conditioning) and decided it was time to move back to Baltimore.

Now, once we're here, I ask myself: what is there to do with the kids? Back in NY, I had the NY Hall of Science in my backyard, bi-monthly cultural events at Flushing Meadows Park, the NY Museum of Natural History with sky-high dinosaur fossils... so now how do I tear my precocious 3.5 year old son away from the TV every weekend without spending $50/each activity?

I would like to share answers here with other parents. So, please let me know what you do & I'll let you know what I'm discovering!

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